The Devotion System by Amy North Product Review
you’re someone constantly facing difficulties getting a man to commit to you
and have been starting to give up hope because none of your relationships have
ever worked out, you might have come across The Devotion System on the internet
at single women searching for a solution to create a successful relationship,
this program brags about a devotion system that is extremely simple, yet so
effective that it is capable of getting any man you want to fall in love, and
even obsess over you. Naturally, this was a product I felt had to be reviewed
because short of a black magic spell, I didn’t believe that such a technique
could possibly exist.
What the program claims
to be able to teach you:
Firstly, How Much Is The
Program and Did I Purchase It?
Devotion System costs $48.25 and is a product I was given access to by the
author awhile back. Unfortunately, I did not have time to go through it until
recently. Regardless, as this website serves to provide a platform where
readers can come to for reliable and honest product reviews, I will remain
impartial in my evaluation even if the product was given to me.
Will I Make Money If You
Purchase The Devotion System?
will only receive commissions from this product if I include a link and you
purchase it through that link. Of course, if the product isn’t a good one, I
definitely won’t include a link or recommend it, since it will affect my
What Can You Expect Once
You Purchase The Program?
purchase of the program, you’ll get immediate access to your account, where you
can log in to access your main eBook. The Devotion System is an interactive
eBook that includes links to video guides, summary tips on each section, and
links which allows easy navigation to specific parts of the eBook.
also get access to a 13-part video training series and a 3-part adaptive quiz
system that acts as a summary to gauge whether you’ve managed to grasp the
concepts of each chapter.
you’ll be given 3 bonus eBooks that help with the context of modern dating:
Textual Chemistry
Finding Love Online
Cheat-Proofing Your Relationship
the eBooks are made available for download on your account so that you’ll be
able to read them offline and the main eBook is even supported on Kindle (mobi)
and iOS (ePub) platforms.
Do They Offer A Refund?
product is available on Clickbank, which means it has a 60-day full refund
policy if you decide that this program isn’t for you later on.
Do I Use the Contents Of
The Program In My Personal Life?
would probably find it tough to actually integrate the program into my personal
life since it is directed at women, and aims to help them improve their love
life. I am interested however, in this supposedly effective devotion technique
and to evaluate it from a male’s point of view on whether it would work or not.
Are There Any Upsells?
several upsells and even an order bump if you intend to purchase this program
at varying price points. As I was only given the main product, I did not have
access to these upsells or what they were, but I do know that some of them are
subscription based, so do take note when considering them.
The Review
to previous reviews, I will only be evaluating The Devotion System itself, and
none of the bonuses or upsells that come along with it.
$48.25, this program is slightly more expensive than other products found
online. However, the interactive eBook and login portal to access your eBooks
made up for things since it gave off a more professional feel as opposed to
other programs that simply emailed you the eBooks upon purchase.
Devotion System comes with 240-pages of content and is split into 3 main parts,
each part splitting off into shorter, more specific chapters relating to it.
Letting Go & Moving On
Men 101
Stages of Love
aesthetically pleasing platform and product definitely gave me a good first
impression, but it’s time to finally answer the question: Does The Devotion
System actually work and is it a good product?
The Good
I liked how the eBook was split into its 3 parts. It was an apt breakdown on
the areas many women would need to address if they want to improve their future
1 of The Devotion System focuses entirely on the individual, since the first
step to change always starts with yourself. It encompasses change by first
addressing the need to let go of the past. Many people are often so caught up
living in past relationships that they carry those expectations and conflicts
into the new one, which often does not end well.
incorporating the steps into a catchy acronym (P.A.S.S) with detailed
explanations, the author sets the right tone for the remaining program by
encouraging a clean slate before anything else can happen. Part 1 of the
program also covers the importance of developing self-confidence and encourages
women to constantly improve themselves in a positive manner. Beyond
self-development and letting go of the past, I felt that the author did a good
job in advocating the right mindset any woman should have going into a new
2 then focuses on the man, and starts by sharing with readers about the common
misconceptions they often have when it comes to how men think. Agreeably, I’ve
heard of most of these statements at some point in my life, none of which are
author continues on by giving readers a sense of what causes men to pull away,
the types of men, the types to avoid, and the subconscious signals we give off
when we’re attracted to someone. Most of these points are easily digestible and
fairly accurate, and I genuinely enjoyed trying to figure out what ‘type’ of
man I was based on the categories.
makes a good educative program is when you effectively explain the theoretical
foundations of the topic, followed by guiding individuals on how to put this
knowledge to applicational use. Part 3 successfully links everything together
and creates the applicational process of whatever readers have gone through so
far. It includes tips on what to do and avoid doing, the warning signs to look
out for, and even indicators that he may be the ‘one’.
The Bad
finally address this review’s main question, I spent an additional amount of
time reviewing the program’s main highlight ‘The Devotion Sequence’ found
within Part 2 of the eBook. To be honest, I was pretty disappointed with what
it had to offer.
sequence that was supposed to make any man lust for you even if he says he’s
not interested (as seen on the sales page) was no more than a set of
compliments a woman could pick up and say to make the person of interest feel
good about himself. Although these phrases do carry a certain weight in
boosting a man’s ego, which may potentially hook his interest because of how he
feels, it isn’t some magical technique and you won’t get ANY man you desire
just based on this alone.
felt that the third part of the eBook was highly subjective, and did not
entirely agree with the applicational processes there. Firstly, I thought it
was ironic to include certain generalized tips on how to turn a man on, his hot
spots or warning signs if your partner is cheating, when it was established
earlier on in the eBook as a misconception that men are NOT the same. It’s
effectiveness would thus definitely differ from person to person.
was even a section on ‘how to break up with him gently’, which I felt should
not have been included in the first place. Breakups are supposed to be highly
personal, and by providing a step-by-step guide on it, the author has
essentially made the job easy and mechanical for any reader who decides to
implement those steps.
The Verdict
despite the several irritations I had towards certain parts of The Devotion
System, I still thought it was an enjoyable eBook that included many relevant
and accurate points. I did feel however, that the price point of the program
was a little steep. This is easily debatable depending on how useful you find
the video guides in facilitating your learning process.
you are expecting to actually learn a secret set of phrases that would make any
man fall in love with you, this product is one I wouldn’t recommend because it
would probably disappoint. There are ultimately no secret shortcuts or
techniques to make a relationship magically work, and no amount of effort would
cause a completely disinterested person to fall in love with you.
if you’re looking for a program that would facilitate your self-improvement
process, shape your mindset towards relationships, assist you in better
understanding the male mind, or simply provide relationship tips, this might
just be the program for you.
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